Speeding is one of those driving behaviors which the driver knows is dangerous but continues to indulge in anyway. Speeding has been the cause of about one-third of accidents in the United States every year. Speeding is not just about going over the speed limit; you are speeding anytime you drive too fast or recklessly on the road.
Speeding is dangerous for obvious reasons. However, when combined with other poor driving behaviors, it becomes even more fatal for the people in the car. If you have been involved in a speeding accident due to someone else’s negligence, you must seek legal consultation from an experienced attorney today.
Five reasons why speeding is dangerous
Speeding increases your chances of crashing.
Driving fast is a surefire way to increase your chances of getting into a crash. The faster you drive, the less time you have to react in case of an obstacle. It would take more time for your vehicle to come to a stop after you press the brakes. Even if you have been driving for years and are skilled, driving faster than the posted speed limit is still a great risk. It is better not to take unnecessary risks and drive as instructed.
Speeding affects the severity of the crash.
As you might have already seen in other car accident cases, speeding cars suffer a greater impact in accidents than other vehicles. The reason is simple: speeding vehicles have more kinetic energy, and they cause more damage and injuries to people when they slam into something. They do not only cause severe injuries to themselves but to the other parties on the road as well.
Speeding reduces your reaction time.
Speeding significantly reduces your reaction time, leaving you less time to make decisions and save your life. Research has shown that your risk of being in a fatal crash increases exponentially when you drive over the posted speed limit. This does not only mean that you get less time to react, but other drivers also have to deal with your unexpected behavior. The logic is simple: the faster you go, the better and faster you have to be at making quick decisions.
Speeding can lead to other risky driving behaviors.
Studies have found that people who are likely to speed on a daily basis, even when they are not late to go somewhere, also indulge in other risky driving behaviors. For example, tailgating, reckless driving, unsafe lane changes, and running red lights.