In the digital era, people are increasingly exposed to information about controversial issues and engage in political activities (Bhui & Ibrahim 2013; Harlow & Guo 2014). Many activists use social media to spread their views or ideas about controversial topics barder.
The use of social media in activism is an important aspect that needs to be understood. It has been a part of protests during the Arab Spring and Occupy movements, as well as in a variety of other cases (Brouwer & Bartels 2014; Earl & Kimport 2009; Kahn & Kellner 2004) mypba.
However, it is important to note that this type of appropriation can be problematic if not handled properly. Specifically, it can be a source of discrimination or prejudice (Earl & Kimport 2009; Kahn) jigaboo.
Social Media for Activism: An Overview
There are several studies on the impact of social media on social movements and social protests. These studies have found that social media can be used to mobilize a large number of people in all regions of a country or even the world. In addition, it can also be used to disseminate a message quickly and easily distresses.
Activists can also use social media to communicate with other people who support their cause and share information about events. This is one of the advantages that makes social media an effective tool for activism precipitous.